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Learn the beautiful art of tai chi in the comfort of your own home. From the basics of the salute, weight transference, correct posture, and movement principles, Sifu Jenny will guide you effortlessly along your tai chi journey, culminating in the Beijing 24. Included in the program: Warmups, Standing Meditation, Qigong (including Baduanjin, Shibashi 1 and 2), Tai Chi principles of movement and flow, Silk Reeling, Bafa Wubu (13 Energies), Tai Chi stances and stepping, common postures and drills. Tai Chi Forms included in the program are: 5 Form, 8 Form, 10 Form and Beijing 24. There are also 3 x 45-minute classes.
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Watch this video and more on Rising Moon Tai Chi
Watch this video and more on Rising Moon Tai Chi
Practice Drill for Postures 1 - 7
Once you have mastered the first 7 postures of the Beijing 24, try this challenging drill, working to each of the 4 sides of the room. Changing points of reference when practicing is a good way to assess whether you truly know the sequence of movements.