Standing Meditation 1
Begin your tai chi journey by learning the techniques of standing meditation, cultivating energy, and a sense of calm. Breathe, Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 2
It doesn't take long to feel relaxed and ready to face the day. In less than 10 minutes, feel energized and calm. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 3
Standing meditation focuses on relaxed and effortless breathing, and mindfulness, promoting a sense of calm and stillness. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 4
Standing meditation, a simple way of cultivating energy. Enjoy the calm and stillness of each movement. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 5
Enjoy a few minutes of standing meditation, a wonderful way to start the day, or to reenergize after working all day. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 6
Standing meditation is the perfect way to start the day. Focus on the breath and the movement, relaxing physically and mentally. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 7
Take 10 minutes of 'me time' and enjoy a calming set of standing meditation movements. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 8
Always a wonderful way to start or to end the day, standing meditation brings focus to the breath, the movement, and the sense of calm we are cultivating. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 9
Standing meditation, a series of simple movements to cultivate energy flow. Learn to identify stress in the shoulders, the chest, and then release that stress through abdominal breathing. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
Standing Meditation 10
Standing meditation can bring focus to a stressed mind and tired body. Follow Sifu Jenny as she guides you through a series of gentle and calming exercises. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.